Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rant Blog

So I'm sitting here in this hell hole they call a computer lab listening to the annoying tapping noise's of each key. The lab far too small for the number of computers in it,the heat feels similar to a furnace with each computer fan releasing a steady stream of hot air.On top of the horrible conditions Ive been forced in here to waste my time writing blogs on stupid fruity topics that's have nothing to do with me and I have no real interest in.And they wonder why I only write a 4 out of 6. I try to fight off the thought in the back of my mind, I could so easily just get up and leave and simply wait for that all too common phone call home right before dinner.The only thing keeping me sitting here is the fact that English 12 is the only course we need to graduate.I wouldn't mind smashing the guy who made that rule over the head with a large shovel.After an hour and twenty minutes of this torture the bell finally rings.I stumble out of the lab in a confused daze and finally something good to blog about hits me.

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